Project Primates France is an association (law 1901) that was created in France to promote primate conservation and support the Chimpanzee Conservation Center in Guinea. Its founders had all shared the same great experience: volunteering at the CCC to help orphaned chimpanzees learn to live in their natural environment.c
PPF aims to raise awareness about the rapid decline of primate populations amongst European populations, as well as amongst populations in countries where chimpanzees are endemic. It can be difficult to convey to a consumer, for example, that exotic wood furniture stamped “Africa” has caused the irremediable disappearance of hectares of forest and wildlife. Poachers using logging roads have slaughtered whole families of chimpanzees, gorillas and other animals.
PPF strives to inform, educate and inspire the public to act responsibly. They attend conferences and make presentations to deliver this message.
PPF in the school
Projet Primates France carries out interventions in schools (from kindergarden to college), for more information, click here.
Projet Primates France regularly maintains a booth at special events throughout France. You can follow us on on Facebook page.