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The Centre de Conservation pour Chimpanzés is also a place of scientific research on chimpanzees and on the National Park of Haut-Niger.
– Ongman L, Colin C, Raballand E, Humle T. (2013). The “Super Chimpanzee”. The Ecological Dimensions of Rehabilitation of Orphan Chimpanzees in Guinea, West Africa. Animals. 2013; 3(1):109-126.9 [see the article]
– Humle, T., Colin, C., Laurans, M. & Raballand, E. (2011). Group Release of Sanctuary Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in the Haut-Niger National Park, Guinea, West Africa: Ranging Patterns and Lessons So Far. International Journal of Primatology 32: 456-473. [see abstract]
– Humle, T., Colin, C. & Raballand T. (2009). Preliminary report on hand-clasp grooming in sanctuary-released chimpanzees, Haut Niger National Park, Guinea. Pan Africa News, 16(1): 7-10. [see abstract]
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The Chimpanzee Conservation Center is accredited by the Pan African Sanctuary Alliance (PASA) as a founding member. Accreditation by PASA requires that a strict code of conduct is respected and followed.
The Chimpanzee Conservation Center is verified by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS).